I'm a beginner in blogging, but I want to share about my experience when searching "a good keyword" for my blog with free tools on internet.

Many beginners are confusing when they want to get started build a blog, especially for the blog that aims to do make money online. They usually have a love of questions such as what the topics? What the keyword? How to get a good keyword? What the best tools can be used to search a niche keyword?

In Fact, keyword is one important element in building a website or blog. To find a good, hot, or niche keyword depth of research needed. This is critical process because this step will determine success or not success of your blog in the future.

I also have the same experience when start building a blog. I try to search some tools in google, especially free tools that can help me. If you have some money, you can choose the best one; just find the review first for the software you want in search engine or in internet marketing forum such as digitalpoint, warrior forum.

I have no money, so I search for free tools. Actually, free tools are good enough for finding a keyword if we can use it. Before you get started, generating idea is needed. Maybe you find idea through google zeitgeist, yahoo buzz, google trend, etc.

Here's the list of free tools you can use for finding a keyword:

1. Google Groups Keyword Tool
There are several tools from google that you can use for free:
- google adwords keyword tool
you can find keyword based on your idea. The adwords tools will show you the synonym, statistic search from last month.
- google insight for search
find keyword idea based on location, term, and time range. From this tool you also find a hot trend.
- google suggest

2. Free Wordtracker

this tool will show you search statistic your keyword per day.

3. tools.seobook.com

You can get more complete statistic such as word count in google, yahoo, msn, overall, etc.

That's the tools I used and as a complementary If I wanna know CPC of a keyword I usually use keywordcountry.com try version.

Actually, there are many free keyword tools you can find on internet, just googling "keyword tools". Have a nice day! Have fun !


  1. Lukman Sa'ad  

    December 28, 2008 at 5:25 AM

    Biy, gimana cara merubah setting layout blogspot seperti punya abiy ini dan peperless-media.

    bantu dong. kirim info ke jerman90@gmail.com aja. thanks ya Biy.

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